Monday, October 11, 2010


"Swifter Higher Stronger"

I have endured yesterday, and am standing tall
today, because I have not permitted myself to
worry about tomorrow. My life, sometimes a battlefield
Strewn with the wrecks of dead dreams, and shattered
illusions. But some of those dreams and illusions, I
have "caught from the sky" and made into reality,
even though they were only but a few.
And when those few "captured"
dreams and illusions became "reality", I felt as if I
had been instantly lifted out of the darkness of a dungeon,
and into the light of the sun...

I have also known happiness and love. I have reached out
and did my best to love and touch all people; thus I have
"felt" the "power of God", as I had never felt it before.
Try to touch life at every point, to become swifter, higher,
stronger. Thus, when death comes upon you, like the
ancients, you can surely say, "I have lived"...

By Mark E. Temme (1989)

Note: About "Swifter Higher Stronger"

Which is often thought to have been written hundreds of years past by an
 unknown author, was actually written by a Wisconsin poet named Mark E. Temme,
and  was registered with the U.S. Copyright Office of the Library of Congress in 1989,
by the National Library of Poetry. Thus, this philosophical verse is neither
anonymous nor ancient, having both an author and a fairly recent publication
date. Nonetheless, what it states remains "timeless" thus reserving for its author
a place in that poetical pantheon to which belong those writers who have, at
least once, seen an eternal truth clear... Mr. Temme thus lives "permanently" at Mount Athos in Greece...

View Mr. Temme's "Unified Field Theory" in Astro-Physics